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Hi, my name is Vania Suazo. I'm an inspirational leader with solid business acumen and expertise in managing different projects, education, and journalism.

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Educational Project in Honduras

Play Based Projects welcomes children from the early years to primary school and offers childcare and after-school services.


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Coordination of blog's themes and scheduling, seeking out writers, and proofreaders, editing of the overall voice of the media outlet.

Lead in reaching out to media partners to increase educate.’s reach and audience, reaching out to potential
contributors' blog (activists, journalists, etc.), and creating content for the website.

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Ever thought of finding a balance in times of coronavirus when everything needs to be done at home? For me, the typical day started when the 5-am-alarm went on. There was silence in the house. I looked out the windows and the streets were empty. With a blanket, laptop on my lap and my feet by the heater, I started my day. It has been busy lately. I started article writing for work, specifically about stocks. This was one of my most precious moments. Life at home in the times of corona-crisis has been rarely so quiet.


Dutch bike.JPG

It was the first day of school in Delft. We walked up to the school director who welcomed us. We all went together up the stairs and into our son’s class. The group 3 (ages six to seven) classroom filled up with excited children and teachers. We got a small tour and Adrian signed in on the classroom digital board. Our son had started Dutch school. We got a hug, a “fijne dag” and that’s how it all started.


Drenched in sweat, one male runner stood out from the pack. Fifty-one year old Emiliano Lemus, clad in red running sorts, made it to the 10km race finish line before anyone else in just 49 minutes and seconds. “The champion is not the winner, but everyone that makes it to the goal,” said Lemus. One minute later, Andrea Piccinini, an Italian runner living on Roatan, finished his race placing second among the men running the 10K.


La empresa israeli ha manifestado su interés en el sector de telecomunicaciones de Honduras. EL vicepresidente para Latinoamérica de LR Group, Guy Moskowitz, reveló que la empresa se encuentra concluyendo un estudio que plantea la situación de la Empresa Hondureña de Telecomunicaciones (Hondutel) y delimita las posibles mejoras que el colectivo podría implementar.

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